Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Warhol of Fame" Induction

You know how most recovering alcoholics say they can't have just one drink, because that drink will likely lead to a complete backslide?
I'm that way with clutter. As a hoarder-turned-minimalist, I'm well aware that I'm one magazine/mail/laundry-covered nightstand away from disaster. So I keep my nightstand clear. And my dressers. And my counters. But the inside of my cabinets have to have stuff in them. That's why my apartment's clear-glass kitchen cabinets pose a huge conundrum for me. How do I keep stuff in a cabinet, without having the cabinets look all clutter-y, leading me to fall off the wagon, right into Hoardersville? 
That's where the soup comes in. I realized I could store all our soup in the glass cabinet, and it would look kinda cool. Warhol-esque, if you will. Form meets function! It worked perfectly. Everyone who came over noticed the display and seemed amused. 
Then my friend Tamara shared some breaking news with me. Target has started carrying special edition Campbell's soup cans - inspired by Andy Warhol. Life imitates art! 
So I raced out the door to Target... and bought 31 cans of Campbell's tomato soup. (Which, I realize, is a lot of soup. My inner hoarder might've come out to play. My decluttering guru, Peter Walsh, will not be pleased.)

So, now, my cabinets are extra-artsy. In fact, I think they deserve a "Warhol of Fame" induction. Meantime, my non-soup items have been shoved in with the pots and pans. And my plan is to have soup for lunch today... and tomorrow... and the next day... until my Splenda no longer resides in my spaghetti strainer. Dream big, Dobson!
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  1. love it! it's all so meta. i'm surprised you stopped at 31 :p can Shane eat Campbell's soup yet?!

  2. Congratulations on the Warhol of Fame Induction! :)
