Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Host Chat: Spectacular Oprah

Oprah Winfrey's Farewell Spectacular continues today.  And my friend Alicia is in the audience.  (My friends are having a really great week!)
Tom Hanks emcees Oprah's Farewell Spectacular
Part One of the Oprah Farewell Spectacular aired Monday and included appearances from Madonna, Tom Cruise, Beyonce, Halle Berry, and Tom Hanks.  Alicia live-tweeted the event (she's @AliciaR for those of you on Twitter).  In one Tweet, she quoted an Oprah fan, who said, "It's like going to the Grammys or the Oscars."
Sure, the superstars are showing up in droves, but they make up just a small percentage of Oprah's fan base.  The rest of us are regular folks who are inspired, entertained and challenged by her.  In today's New York Daily News, columnist David Hinckley writes, "Lots of people with drive, personality and talent get TV shows.*  No one else has become America's counselor, cheerleader and comforter." 
Since Oprah won't be on her talk show anymore, maybe we should pick up the slack.  In fact, I just had an Aha! Moment.  Let's each choose one person and serve as his or her "counselor, cheerleader and comforter."  As much as I'd love a talk show, I don't think I -- or anyone else -- needs one to make a difference in this world.  So let's get it started!

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*Yes, the network execs are handing out talk shows gigs like candy.  Just not to me -- yet.  But maybe, with your support, it will happen someday soon!

1 comment:

  1. <>

    Great idea! The world would be a better place if we all took that advice!
