Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ready for RedEye

Red Eye file photo. Spring 2011. Courtesy Hi Def News Caps.
To prepare for a Thursday night taping of Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld, I made the following to-do list:
-Hand our four month old baby off to my husband.
-Study up on the day's news topics. 
-Do hair and makeup.
-Try on several dresses and pick the one that looks best.

Here's how my day really went:
-Scan the day's news topics on my Blackberry while calming a crying baby, hoping my husband will be home from work soon.
-Welcome husband home by immediately handing him the baby. Realize I forgot to say hello. Apologize.
-Take the baby back 10 minutes later, because he seems hungry.
-Stop feeding the baby after a few minutes to change him, because he has wet through his diaper, his outfit, and my outfit.
-Get a sudden flash of inspiration to dress the baby up like his favorite toy, Ernie, in a striped shirt, blue pants and red shoe-like socks. 
-Do a photo shoot of the baby with Ernie.
-Spend an extra few minutes taking a photo in which the baby's face isn't showing, because he says he doesn't want his future girlfriends to see it online someday and mock him for loving an Ernie doll. (Yes, that's right. My four-month old talks. In full sentences. And worries about his online reputation. He's a smart one.)
Dressed like Ernie in striped shirt, blue pants and red "shoes."  
-Welcome some friends who have dropped by to meet the baby. Give them a tour of our home, warning them not to trip on the baby toys in our dining-room-turned-playroom. (I've done a baby-tastic home makeover. Full blog on that coming soon.) Apologize for STILL BEING IN MY PAJAMAS. At 7pm. Yikes.
-Shower, shampooing twice to get all the spit-up out of my hair.
-Burp baby. Sigh when he spits-up in my twice-shampooed hair. Decide to just leave it there and hope the Red Eye viewers don't notice.
-Realize there's no time to do my makeup or fix my hair. Hope the beauty team at Red Eye doesn't mind me showing up with a bare face and spit-uppy hair.
-Throw on the first dress I see in my closet. Cross my fingers in hopes that it will fit, post-pregnancy. Realize that it does fit. Rejoice! Head to Red Eye.


  1. I'm excited about the baby-tastic home makeover!

  2. It will be good to see you on there again. Be sure to smack Bill around a bit please.

  3. This font is hard to read.

  4. Welcome to working motherhood, my friend! You're handling it like a pro.

  5. congrats to you and your husband, you were great on Red Eye the Globetrotter crack was great!
