Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Birth Announcement: Elle Summer

I have big news to share!
My husband and I welcomed a brand new baby girl into the family this summer!

Since this is our second child, I've followed tradition and upheld every second child cliche out there. I haven't written anything in the baby book. I've taken more than a month to share this birth announcement. And I seem to be losing the baby weight much more slowly this time around. Awesome. I bet Kate Middleton has already lost all her baby weight. Kim Kardashian, too. Thanks, ladies.
But back to my sweet baby girl. Her name is Elle (we love the one-syllable names in our family: Jim... Jill... Shane... you get the picture). We might be biased, but we think she's as charming as Elle Woods, as captivating as Elle Macpherson and fascinating enough to land the cover of Elle magazine. But of course, her first cover will be either People or Vanity's family tradition.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Host Chat: An Incredibly Poetic Announcement

Me, my belly and my publicity-wary toddler
Some thoughts from today's Long Branch Half Marathon:

I watched from the sidelines with my toddler son
as racers ran toward Mile 13.1
How did I do that just one year ago?
Now with each step my whole body shouts, "no!"
The reason I'm so slow and tired and big,
Is because soon we'll be having another kid!
Both offline and on, I have slowed to a crawl.
Since November I haven't Facebooked at all.
In coming months I predict more of the same...
I've got naps I must take! I've got diapers to change!

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Airport Style

Ready for takeoff, inspired by J. (below right). Except I
think I'll need a bigger purse. And by purse, I mean diaper bag.
Lately, there seems to be a huge disconnect between the way I look in my mind's eye (clean clothes, decent hair, makeup) and the way I look when I pass a mirror (food-covered sweats, messy ponytail, no makeup). I just watched an episode of Giuliana & Bill in which Giuliana worries about losing her mojo after the arrival of the couple's baby. I don't know about my mojo, but my sense of style seems to have flown the coop. It has only made a few incredibly brief appearances since my son was born a year ago. Each of my rare fashion-forward moments have been inspired by J's Everyday Fashion. J's recent blog on airport style got me thinking about my last flight. It pains me to admit I boarded the plane in workout pants, running shoes, and a stained performance tee. Sigh. 
As I prepare for another flight, J. is the wind beneath my wings. Her outfit (above) is awesome, except I can't wear a chambray shirt. My father-in-law was the king of the denim shirt. If I were to wear one, the whole family would call me "Oren." Don't get me wrong, it's a great look on the right person. I even bought a tiny chambray button-down for my son. Because it's cute for a little boy to look like his grandfather. But it's not cute for a grown woman to look like her father-in-law. So I flip-flopped the dark blue and light blue parts of J's outfit. And now I feel somewhat creative. And quite appropriately-dressed. And completely ready to board the next plane to Fashionville. Or Milan. (Or, lets be honest here, Boca.)
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